Rosy Overdrive’s Top 25 EPs of 2022

You’re probably still making your way through Rosy Overdrive’s to Top 100 Albums of 2022, I know–but there were plenty of good EPs to come out this year, as well! Just like last year, I’ve put together a shorter but still substantial list of my twenty-five favorites for you all to check out. The EPContinue reading “Rosy Overdrive’s Top 25 EPs of 2022”

New Playlist: January 2021

Good morning/afternoon, readers. I am back with again with my monthly exorcism of all the music I absorbed over the past 31 days. January was very much a month of transition—with regards to what music I was listening to, I mean. In terms of new releases, you’ll find some 2020 stragglers as well as brandContinue reading “New Playlist: January 2021”

Pressing Concerns: Cheekface, Fuvk, Camp Trash, Cicala, Squitch, Matthew Sweet

It’s January again, which doesn’t actually mean anything in and of itself, but it does coincide with this post about some albums I’ve liked from the baby new year. I hadn’t really planned on giving much attention to this year’s new albums until February at earliest, but here I am barely halfway through the firstContinue reading “Pressing Concerns: Cheekface, Fuvk, Camp Trash, Cicala, Squitch, Matthew Sweet”