The Playlist Archives: March 2019

I’m in between new music posts at the moment now, so I thought I’d use this downtiming to dip back into my playlist archive and talk about some music I otherwise wouldn’t get to today. This time, I’ve chosen one from roughly two years ago: March 2019. I even looked up some fun facts forContinue reading “The Playlist Archives: March 2019”

New Playlist: February 2021

I present to you: the third brand new monthly Rosy Overdrive playlist, and the site’s fourth playlist overall. 2021 is in full swing in terms of new music, which is where the majority of these songs come from. My foray into 1991 (which started last month) continues—it’s been on the backburner a bit, but aContinue reading “New Playlist: February 2021”

Pressing Concerns: Mister Goblin, Nightshift, Kittyhawk, The Hold Steady, Styrofoam Winos, Bailter Space

In the fifth installment of Pressing Concerns, I highlight new albums by Mister Goblin, Nightshift, The Hold Steady, and Styrofoam Winos, and also discuss a compilation cassette of Kittyhawk’s non-LP material and the 25th anniversary reissue and remaster of Bailter Space’s Wammo. Be sure to check out previous editions of Pressing Concerns for more goodContinue reading “Pressing Concerns: Mister Goblin, Nightshift, Kittyhawk, The Hold Steady, Styrofoam Winos, Bailter Space”

Pressing Concerns: The Crowd Scene, Anika Pyle, Longstocking, The Fragiles, The Boys with the Perpetual Nervousness

We are back again! In this fourth, mid-February installment of Pressing Concerns, I highlight the third album from Virginia’s The Crowd Scene, the first solo record from Anika Pyle (Katie Ellen/Chumped), the second album from janglers The Boys with the Perpetual Nervousness, the reissue of 90’s queercore band Longstocking’s discography, and a new release fromContinue reading “Pressing Concerns: The Crowd Scene, Anika Pyle, Longstocking, The Fragiles, The Boys with the Perpetual Nervousness”

Pressing Concerns: Editrix, Yasmin Williams, Captain Frederickson, Hello Whirled

We’ve broached February, and I am once again here to tell you about the good music from the recent past, present, and future. The third installment of Pressing Concerns is a little smaller than the first two, but let’s just say we’re dealing with a “quality over quantity” scenario (which is somewhat amusing considering theContinue reading “Pressing Concerns: Editrix, Yasmin Williams, Captain Frederickson, Hello Whirled”

New Playlist: January 2021

Good morning/afternoon, readers. I am back with again with my monthly exorcism of all the music I absorbed over the past 31 days. January was very much a month of transition—with regards to what music I was listening to, I mean. In terms of new releases, you’ll find some 2020 stragglers as well as brandContinue reading “New Playlist: January 2021”

Pressing Concerns: Tucker Riggleman & The Cheap Dates, Subsonic Eye, Palberta, Dave Scanlon, Cub Scout Bowling Pins, Kiwi Jr.

The first month of 2021 is about to be wrapped up, and I’m back to tell you about the albums I enjoyed the most over the past few weeks. In this installment of Pressing Concerns, I review the debut LP of Tucker Riggleman & The Cheap Dates, Kiwi Jr.‘s avoidance of the sophomore slump, left-turnContinue reading “Pressing Concerns: Tucker Riggleman & The Cheap Dates, Subsonic Eye, Palberta, Dave Scanlon, Cub Scout Bowling Pins, Kiwi Jr.”

Pressing Concerns: Cheekface, Fuvk, Camp Trash, Cicala, Squitch, Matthew Sweet

It’s January again, which doesn’t actually mean anything in and of itself, but it does coincide with this post about some albums I’ve liked from the baby new year. I hadn’t really planned on giving much attention to this year’s new albums until February at earliest, but here I am barely halfway through the firstContinue reading “Pressing Concerns: Cheekface, Fuvk, Camp Trash, Cicala, Squitch, Matthew Sweet”

New Playlist: December 2020

It’s time to wrap up 2020, and I can think of no (literally not a single) better way to do so than to share the music I enjoyed in its final month. I spent this past December catching up on releases from earlier this year that I’d missed the first time around, listening to aContinue reading “New Playlist: December 2020”

The Playlist Archives: November 2018 (Part 2 of 2)

See Part 1 of this post for more context. You can follow the whole playlist on Spotify here. Bandcamp embeds are included in the list when available. “China Beach”, Laura Jane Grace and the Devouring Mothers This is pretty far away from the other LJG song on this playlist. Musically it’s on the harder-edge sideContinue reading “The Playlist Archives: November 2018 (Part 2 of 2)”