Rosy Overdrive’s Top 100 Albums of 2023 (25-1)

Here it is! Rosy Overdrive’s 25 favorite albums of 2023, revealed today along with albums 50 through 26, and coming a day after albums 51 through 100. This was the hardest year yet in terms of the top; specifically, the top twelve albums on the list I kept rearranging up until press time. I’m moreContinue reading “Rosy Overdrive’s Top 100 Albums of 2023 (25-1)”

Pressing Concerns: William Matheny, Perfect Angel at Heaven, Jason Allen Millard, Sundays & Cybele

Welcome, friends, to a Monday Pressing Concerns. It’s a good one! We’ve got new albums from William Matheny and Jason Allen Millard, a new EP from Perfect Angel at Heaven, and a cassette reissue of a decade-old Sundays & Cybele album to discuss today. If you’re looking for more new music, you can visit theContinue reading “Pressing Concerns: William Matheny, Perfect Angel at Heaven, Jason Allen Millard, Sundays & Cybele”

New Playlist: May 2023

It’s time for a ton of new music this Monday. Today sees the grand unveiling of Rosy Overdrive’s May 2023 playlist, and boy, this one’s an all-timer. I would call it a classic (a word I would also use for many of the songs which make it up). PONY, Poppy Patica, Greg Mendez, Rob I.Continue reading “New Playlist: May 2023”