Rosy Overdrive’s Top 100 Albums of 2023 (25-1)

Here it is! Rosy Overdrive’s 25 favorite albums of 2023, revealed today along with albums 50 through 26, and coming a day after albums 51 through 100. This was the hardest year yet in terms of the top; specifically, the top twelve albums on the list I kept rearranging up until press time. I’m moreContinue reading “Rosy Overdrive’s Top 100 Albums of 2023 (25-1)”

New Playlist: August 2023

Coming slightly later than usual (Labor Day happened, I didn’t want to try to cram an extra long post in a short week, I’m busy sometimes, et cetera), here is the Rosy Overdrive August 2023 round-up and playlist. Almost everything here is from this year, and it’s all great music! Tell a friend about it!Continue reading “New Playlist: August 2023”

New Playlist: July 2023

Welcome to the July 2023 Rosy Overdrive playlist! There’s a ton of great music from this year in this one (I think that there’s only one song on here that didn’t originally come out in 2023, so you can’t accuse Rosy Overdrive of not being hip and current. Well, you can’t accuse RO of notContinue reading “New Playlist: July 2023”