Pressing Concerns: Dancer, A Day Without Love, The World Famous, Lightheaded

It’s been a historically busy week over here on Rosy Overdrive. The blog has seen four posts in four days–on Monday, we looked at albums from Soft on Crime, Hello June, Soft Covers, and The Small Intestines, Tuesday’s post featured Norm Archer, The Croaks, Luggage, and Blues Lawyer, and on Wednesday, we took a deeperContinue reading “Pressing Concerns: Dancer, A Day Without Love, The World Famous, Lightheaded”

Pressing Concerns: Nightshift, Dot Dash, Husbands, Evening Glass

Welcome to the last Pressing Concerns of November! This time, we look at new albums from Nightshift, Dot Dash, and Husbands, and a new EP from Evening Glass. This will be the last Pressing Concerns before Rosy Overdrive year-end season begins, but I plan to mix in a few of these in with the end-of-yearContinue reading “Pressing Concerns: Nightshift, Dot Dash, Husbands, Evening Glass”

Rosy Overdrive’s Top 100 Albums of 2021 (50-26)

Hello! Welcome, and thank you either once again or for the first time for reading. Today (Tuesday, December 7th), Rosy Overdrive’s Top 50 albums of 2021 are finally revealed. There’s a longer year-end preamble from one of yesterday’s posts (which highlighted albums 51 through 100), but do you really need it to understand what’s goingContinue reading “Rosy Overdrive’s Top 100 Albums of 2021 (50-26)”

Rosy Overdrive’s Top 40 Albums of 2021 So Far (Part 1 of 2)

Well: the year is nearly halfway over, so I shall now commemorate it by sharing my forty favorite records from it thus far with you, the Rosy Overdrive reader. I could have done more than forty albums. I have heard significantly more than forty good albums so far this year, many of which you canContinue reading “Rosy Overdrive’s Top 40 Albums of 2021 So Far (Part 1 of 2)”

Pressing Concerns: Mister Goblin, Nightshift, Kittyhawk, The Hold Steady, Styrofoam Winos, Bailter Space

In the fifth installment of Pressing Concerns, I highlight new albums by Mister Goblin, Nightshift, The Hold Steady, and Styrofoam Winos, and also discuss a compilation cassette of Kittyhawk’s non-LP material and the 25th anniversary reissue and remaster of Bailter Space’s Wammo. Be sure to check out previous editions of Pressing Concerns for more goodContinue reading “Pressing Concerns: Mister Goblin, Nightshift, Kittyhawk, The Hold Steady, Styrofoam Winos, Bailter Space”