New Playlist: July 2023

Welcome to the July 2023 Rosy Overdrive playlist! There’s a ton of great music from this year in this one (I think that there’s only one song on here that didn’t originally come out in 2023, so you can’t accuse Rosy Overdrive of not being hip and current. Well, you can’t accuse RO of notContinue reading “New Playlist: July 2023”

Pressing Concerns: 12 Rods, Wandering Summer, Fort Not, The Illness

Welcome, welcome to a Thursday Pressing Concerns! Today’s post covers three records that are coming out tomorrow: new long-players from 12 Rods and Fort Not and a new EP from Wandering Summer, plus an EP from The Illness that came out a couple of weeks ago. If you missed Rosy Overdrive’s June 2023 Playlist withContinue reading “Pressing Concerns: 12 Rods, Wandering Summer, Fort Not, The Illness”